“Harmony makes small things grow. Lack of it makes big things decay.” — Sallust


APHRC also acknowledges the role of strengthened governance systems as the cornerstone for effective operations and impactful outcomes. In line with streamlining operations and aligning with best practice, APHRC’s Board launched the Audit Committee, henceforth delineating its role from the Finance and Risk committee. The Audit Committee takes our already strong governance systems a notch higher, reflective of the Center’s growth and maturity.

APHRC recognizes that building strong institutional systems is critical to achieving the harmony that drives organizational impact. Through mentorship, training, and capacity-strengthening, we have affirmed our commitment to nurturing a dynamic, harmonious, and cohesive work culture for our staff and partners, showcasing our commitment to robust governance frameworks and innovative practices. The Center prides itself on efficient and effective systems that complement each other and are the engine that drives our mission forward.

In 2023, the Center concluded a job evaluation process and began implementing the resultant recommendations to ensure that staff capacities are appropriately matched to the various roles and positions in the organization. By establishing a fair and systematic method for assessing the relative worth of different jobs, the job evaluation process can create more harmony in an organization and promote gender equity. The process also ensures clarity, transparency, and consistency in jobs and their corresponding compensation. As a result of the job evaluation process, APHRC has a new job grading structure, harmonization of titles among the different roles, a new salary scale, job descriptions for the new positions provided for the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, and clear career tracks developed for some of the job groups.

In our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, we identified Systems Thinking as an approach we needed to embrace in order to achieve greater impact in our work. Recognizing this need, the Center has embarked on a journey towards embracing a systems thinking mindset across the organization. This requires envisioning the interconnected webs of influence that shape our world. Successfully embedding this approach in our programs and operations requires a critical mass of staff with this mindset. In 2023, we initiated a process of understanding how our functional units work, with the aim of identifying gaps that can be filled if systems thinking is going to be a reality. We also embarked on a process of developing a framework to operationalize this approach in program design. Once concluded, these processes will provide the impetus to mainstream this approach, setting us on the path to greater impact.

As we navigate the complexities of our operating environment, our steadfast commitment to harmony in organizational design remains unfaltering. Moving forward, we remain resolute in our dedication to excellence, striving to be a beacon of best practices in research, policy, and advocacy. Together, with the support of our partners and stakeholders, APHRC will continue to make meaningful contributions toward sustainable development and positive societal change.