Annual Report

Coloring Africa

Coloring Africa

“There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; it’s what we do with them that’s important.”.
— Jim Rohn


Our Annual Report 2023 tells the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) story through the theme ‘Coloring Africa,’ representing myriad unique aspects that, when combined, form a vibrant and dynamic palette. This theme celebrates the beauty of diversity represented in the colors and the interconnectedness of Africa’s people and landscapes. It also represents APHRC’s quest to change the narrative about the continent through the things we do on a daily basis and our achievements.

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Remarks by the Board Chair and the Executive Director

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2023 in numbers


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Technical Reports

Policy Briefs

Capacity Strengthening

Capacity-strengthening activities across the various themes



CARTA program had 93 fellows: 78 doctoral, 6 post-doctoral, and 9 re-entry grant fellows

The ADDRF program had 29 ongoing fellowships

The Countdown 2030 had 10 fellows

Other fellowship programs: 2 DIDIDA and 4 WHO HRP Alliance fellowships

A mosaic

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Saturating Africa With Color

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Harmony in Design

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The Center’s growth across its programs matched its steady financial performance in 2023. We continue to demonstrate financial sustainability and remain astute in financial management, contributing to excellence in our work.

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APHRC Funders and Partners

You have been critical to our work at the Center, enabling us to foster positive development and transformation on the continent. Thank you for sharing in our vision, for believing in us, and for supporting our efforts to change the narrative across Africa.

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African Population and Health Research Center Headquarters, Kenya Kitisuru, Manga Close, Kirawa road Nairobi, Kenya
+254 722 205 933, +254 733 410 102
P.O. Box 10787-00100
West Africa Regional Office (WARO), Senegal 4e étage, Immeuble Sourok 3, 10083 Sacré coeur 3 VDN Dakar, Senegal
+221 33 867 99 36